Tic Tac Toe Glow

We set out to make the best Tic Tac Toe game for your mobile device. And we think we have done just that.

Tic-tac-toe, also called noughts and crosses and X’s and O’s is a pencil-and-paper game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The X player usually goes first followed by the O player. The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row will win the round. Win 3 rounds to win the game.


You can get huge score bonuses to boost your score to the top of the Leaderboard. You will receive an initial score based on a number of moves and the time it took to win. Each day you play, your score is multiplied by the number of days up to a maximum of 5. Each consecutive game you win, your score is multiplied by the number of wins up to a maximum of 5. That means when combined you can make your final score up to 10 times bigger!


“Three different Tic Tac Toe variants, sharp computer opponent, wisecracking A.I., slick neon graphics and fireworks, two-player support, free.”
— Chris Buffa, MODOJO

“I was pwnd quite a few times playing Tic Tac Toe Glow”
— Ant Pruitt, aNewDomain.net


“It makes parts of my body tingle!”
— Hunter Graham

“I love it when the ambiguously European female robot voice asks me ‘can we play again?'”
— Jeff Brown

“About as addicting as any drug you could ever have”
— Anonymous

“Never thought Tic Tac Toe could be reinvented, but it has!”
— Chad In Spokane

“It is very challenging, reminds me when my grandfather would beat me as a kid.”
— Scott Shorter

“This game puts the F U in FUN!”
— YouLightUpMyLife1